financial atelier with artists
Financial Atelier with artists
Artists can be regarded as MicroFirms with tremendous international appeal. They experience an incredible multitude of human and artistic traditions during their global work and absorb diverse cultures. They have the ability to continuously integrate these experiences into the creation of new artistic projects.

International artists possess highly developed skills, that the global management world strives for - such as creativity, innovative thinking, enormous international flexibility and capacity to be productive in multinational, multicultural teams across the world.

To help artists concentrate on their artistic work, VETRO offers them financial management skills, as well as helping to manage the financial side of their work.  

The artists working with VETRO are open to develop new forms of direct contact and to exchange views with the business world. VETRO develops direct forms of encounters between artists and business people, aiming at the transfer of artistic skills into the business world and vice versa.

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