![]() | «DIE BOTSCHAFT», concert review in a regional newspaper from Aargau about a concert of Swiss oboe player Kurt Meier and the Zurich Chamber Orchestra from July 2015. |
«DIE BOTSCHAFT» does not narrow down its spectrum of opinions to one single political "compass", but rather offers a platform that captures a wide range of opinions from specialised editors whom it considers relevant for its message and for the region around Aare river. In the edition of June 18th a review of the last concert of renowned oboe player Kurt Meier in his role as solo oboist with the Zurich Chamber Orchestra directed by Sir Roger Norrington was published. |
![]() | Risk management in international financial markets: Japan since 1990: the painful bursting of an asset price bubble Schmied-Wörle T. and Prof. Dr. Daxhammer, Rolf, 2000, Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart |
The paper is written in German. The focus is exclusively on Japan. It discusses the causes and environment, leading to the stock market crash in Japan in 1989, the reaction of individuals and authorities later on, addressing the crash repercussions. It includes a discussion on choices/options available to financial authorities in dealing with crashes and the effects of the actions taken during the course of ten years following the crash. (5.86 MB) |
![]() | TOP MANAGER, BUSINESS WOMAN, 2nd edition, September 2005, St. Petersburg Effective Job/Recruiting Interview: Dialogue with uncertainty Anna Vladislavovna Tsareva, sociologue, St. Petersburg State university and Tatjana Schmied-Wörle |
English translation from the Russian original. In today's global market, the recruiting profiles of modern companies require high degrees of intercultural skills, the capability to deal with high uncertainty in the form of continuous change in work environments and flexibility to work in "non textbook" unpredictable situations. Russia in this context has unique possibilities, due to its young business history and more recent experience with high levels of uncertainty. It can develop completely different methods. One example are job interviews with theatrical and artistic metaphors, to come closer to the authentic candidate personality. (30.7 KB) |
![]() | TOP MANAGER, BUSINESS WOMAN, 2nd edition, September 2005, St. Petersburg Эффективное рекрутинговое интервыю: Диалог с неизвестностыю Анна Царёва и Татьяна Шмид-Верле |
Original text in Russian, with original pictures. (516 KB) |
![]() | PERSONAL MIX, Human Resources specialist journal, No 4 - 5, 2005, St. Petersburg Technology plus creative work: A new perspective of the recruiting/job interview Anna Vladislavovna Tsareva, sociologue, St. Petersburg State university and Tatjana Schmied-Wörle |
English translation from the Russian original with translated pictures. The ability to act in situations of uncertainty is the art which becomes more and more important in teaching management techniques. The interview enhanced with improvisation techniques and links to artistic techniques can be effectively used to bring the interviewers/managers and candidates closer to each other. (55.0 KB) |
![]() | PERSONAL MIX, Human Resources specialist journal, No 6, 2005, St. Petersburg Technology plus creative work: A new perspective of the recruiting/job interview Anna Vladislavovna Tsareva, sociologist, St. Petersburg State university and Tatjana Schmied-Wörle |
Whereas the first part of the article (Personal Mix 4 - 5) focuses on a theoretical base, in the second part (Personal Mix 6) we present practical examples of artistic approaches in an interview context. The workshop deals with self presentation skills for young professionals. English translation from the Russian original with translated pictures. (36.1 KB) |
![]() | ПЕРСОНАЛ МИКС (6) 2005, Санкт - Петербург ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ПЛЮС ТВОРЧЕСТВО: Новый взгляд на эффективное рекрутинговое интервыю Анна Царёва (Санкт-Петербург) и Татьяна Шмид-Верле (Цюрих, Швейцаря) |
Original text in Russian, with original pictures. (528 KB) |